Monday, April 19, 2010

We need to have a meeting!

Well I have been thinking about all of the things that we still have to figure out like vans, team shirts, food, safety equipment, etc, etc and I'm feeling a little pressed for time. Now you ragnar newbies may think that we have plenty of time, but I promise you that June will come faster than you think. So what is a good time for everyone? Friday or Saturday again? Or should we switch to a weeknight?

Please pick a time that you can plan on spending at least a good two hours meeting, we have much to discuss and it is hard when not everyone is there.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Interval Training

I want to get a little faster so I am going to start doing interval training on wednesdays and thought is would be fun (fun being relative) to do it as a team. For those who are new runners you may not know what interval training is, it is a type of speed training, that instead of running a long distance you do multiple short runs at a faster pace. I think Roy High is pretty close to everyone. I can't do it this week becuase of finals but starting on the 21st I will try to be there every wednesday around 5:30 so we can be done before dinner time. Everyone is invited and those with kids they can bring them and let them play on the grass in the middle of the track. If there is a time that works better for you let me know and we can try to accomadate accordingly. Happy running!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Roy 5K and Half Marathon

I would love to run the 5K with the Team. Josh just hurt his back so he can't run for a few weeks, however, he is still planning on running with us.

May 31st there is also a half marathon in Syracuse the cost is $35 and I think we should do that as a team. It will test us and show us where we are as a team. 13.1 miles is long!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

5K on April 10

Just wanted to let you know that the Roy Complex is sponsoring a 5K run on April 10. The cost is $15, including a shirt, if you register before April 2. Ben and I are planning on participating, and thought that it would be a great thing to do as a team. If you are interested you can check out the website or you can call the complex at 801-774-1050. I was so excited to find out about this today, the beginning of race season means that summer is coming. HOORAY!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Few Weeks

I was hoping that i could write everyone and say I run because i love it..,.to my dismay I am still running out of pure terror that i will not be prepared. I got some new shoes and they seem to help. I am excited for when i can run and talk at the same time, not even close right now.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Are you scared yet?

Thanks to everyone for joining in on the Ragnar experience with us. We will use this site to discuss any meetings, team runs, or anything else we feel like talking about. Please feel free to post anything or comment anytime.

Happy Running!
Ben and Amanda